St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine, Selected Extracts
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine, 1892
January 1892
There has been some talk of asking our daughter Parish, Charney, to combine with us this year in the Magazine. The proposal has not yet been made, but we think it may serve to make the Parish Sheet more interesting to us, as well as to them.
April 1892
The Magazine this month, as will be seen, comes with a new title. Charney seems to have taken kindly to the idea of joining us in it. They start with an order for 49 copies a month. It is probable that, as we shall thus have the news of both villages to insert, we may more often have to go into a second page of local news, in which case our expenses will be somewhat increased. Mr Wright prints one page for us free, and we pay 2s 6d for an extra one, and 1s 3d for half.
St Peter’s, Charney (From our Charney Correspondent)
There will be a Service in S. Peter’s every Thursday evening during Lent at 6-30, with a Sermon by the Rector.
The Boys in Charney School were examined in Drawing by Mr Selwyn Edwards, HM Inspector, on Thursday, March the 3rd. The report has not yet been received.
The influenza has been very prevalent in Charney since Christmas, but the epidemic is now, we hope, abating.
We have to thank Mr and Mrs Pusey very much for their kind gifts of £1, a dozen of port wine, and some rabbits for the sick.
(The extracts from the Parish Registers have not reached us. We hope to insert them next month. – Ed.)
May 1892 St Peter’s, Charney
Extract from Parish Registers
Marriage: April 16 – Henry Ballard to Rebecca Midwinter
Burial Feb 13 – Jane Dixey, 19 years.
July 1892 S. Peter’s, Charney
The Anniversary of the Benefit Club took place on Thursday, June 2nd, and headed by their band, the members walked to Church, where the usual Service was held at 10-45. They then proceeded to Lyford, and on their return to Charney sat down to dinner in Mr Pike’s barn at 1-30. The Rev WH Bath took the chair, and was supported by Mr Craddock, Mr Rickards, Mr Pike, and Mr Lyford. We are glad to find the Club is in a fairly prosperous condition, but it would be better if it did not break up each year.
Quite a gloom was cast over the village on Friday, June the 10th, by the death of Wilfred Hubert Whitfield, aged 5 years, who was drowned in the river Ock. He was playing with another little boy of the same age on the bank of the stream near his home and fell into the water. No one was near the children at the time, but news of the accident soon reached the poor mother, who hastened to the spot with Mr Nash and Henry Midwinter. After a few minutes the body was found and taken out of the water, and every effort was made to restore animation, but without avail. The inquest was held on Monday. Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Whitfield in their great and unexpected sorrow. Mr Whitfield was at Pusey when the accident took place.
Baptisms: June 5 – Christina May Walter, Annie Barlow
Marriage: April 20 – Thomas Curtis and Mary Moss
Burial: June 13 – Wilfred Hubert Whitfield, aged 5 years.
August 1892 S. Peter’s, Charney
On June 16th, the School in this parish was examined by the Rev CE Adams, the Diocesan Inspector of Schools. Following is his report:-
“The results of the Examination bear witness to the very conscientious work which has been done in the School. The several subjects of the syllabus had all received proper attention, and were well known, the answering in the two Lower Divisions especially being excellent. The children in the Higher Standards were very shy, and scarcely did themselves justice, but their Repetition was good, and the answers which were obtained from them shewed that their subjects had been carefully prepared. The written work was, on the whole, good, though some of the papers and slates shewed a good many careless mistakes. The Tone of the School is very pleasant.”
Diocesan Prize– Mary A Ballard
Commended– Emily Douglas (had had prize), Tom Woodbridge, Bertie Fuller, Margaret Lawes, Bertie Bames, Louisa Lee, Albert Jackson, Beatrice Cobb, Clu. Whitfield, George Shorter, H Eldridge.
On Wednesday, July 20th, a similar meeting was held to that at Longworth on June 29th. The Boxes were opened, and found to contain 6s 6d. The following objects for the offering were proposed to them: – (1) The Waifs and Strays’ Society. (2) Hymn Books for the Church. (3) Offertory Bags. The box-holders unanimously gave their vote to the Waifs and Strays, and a Postal Order for the amount collected has been sent to them. The amount in each box was as follows:-
No. |
s. |
d. |
No. |
s. |
d. |
No. |
s. |
d. |
1 |
0 |
9 |
6 |
0 |
9 ½ |
11 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
1 ½ |
7 |
0 |
6 |
12 |
0 |
1 ½ |
3 |
0 |
3 |
8 |
0 |
6 |
13 |
0 |
11 ½ |
4 |
0 |
1 ½ |
9 |
0 |
1 ½ |
14 |
1 |
5 ½ |
5 |
0 |
2 |
10 |
0 |
2 ½ |
15 |
0 |
2 |
Total |
6 |
6 |
We very much hope that the children and their parents will come forward and take the boxes again next Lent.
September 1892
We regret at the time of going to press no news has reached us from Charney.
October 1892
We shall be very grateful to anyone who will send us Charney news from time to time. It should be addressed to Mrs Illingworth, and reach her before the 18th of the month.
November 1892 S. Peter’s, Charney
The usual Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in S. Peter’s Church, on Sunday, September the 25th. The Church was tastefully decorated with fruit, flowers, and wheat, by Mr and Mrs Nash, and Mrs Black. The screen and chancel looked very pretty and were much admired. There was a fair congregation in the morning, and a good one in the evening. The collections amounted to £1 10s., which was forwarded to the Wantage Cottage hospital.
A new oak notice board has lately been placed in the south porch of S. Peter’s, and the porch has been cleaned and painted. Both the church doors have also been painted, and the Church gate has been repaired and painted. A new oak cover has been provided for the font.
Baptisms: Aug 7 Elizabeth Jane Dix, Walter John James.
December 1892 S. Peter’s, Charney
Mrs Fletcher very kindly gave a Treat to Charney School, on Saturday Oct the 22nd. The children accompanied by Miss King and Miss Hobbs, were conveyed to Frilford in wagons, kindly lent by Mr Craddock, Mr Master, and Mr Rickards. On their arrival at 2-30pm, they played for a short time in the large field behind the house, and were then taken into the barn, where an excellent meal of cake, bread and butter, bread and jam, tea, coffee, etc, was provided, to which ample justice was done by all. The children were waited on by Miss Fletcher, Rev FP Green, Rev WH Bath, Miss King, Miss Hobbs, and other kind helpers. After tea the children were taken into the house where Mrs Fletcher gave a very nice scarlet or brown serge cloak to every girl, and a scarf and pocket-knife to every boy. After this all returned to the field, where various games were played until it was dark, when they left for home in the wagons after giving hearty cheers for Mrs and Miss Fletcher, and thanking them for their kindness.
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine 1906
January 1906
GENERAL NOTES ‘This winter has seen the starting of two useful institutions in the village. One is the Evening School, which owes its existence to the energy of Mrs Atkinson; the other is the Reading Room, the opening of which is largely due to the kindness of Mr and Mrs Pusey. Although these two institutions, which have made good progress up to the present, are in no way connected with the Church, we may be allowed to express the hope that they will continue prosper and have a beneficial influence upon the village at large.’
February 1906
CHRISTMAS TREAT – By the kindness of Mrs Pusey, all the children attending the day school, from Pusey, Charney and Lyford, about seventy in all, were entertained to tea in the schoolroom on Saturday, December 30th. After tea the tables were cleared, and the children assembled around a large Christmas Tree, from which each child received either a toy or a useful present. After this, a proposition that the children’s thanks should be conveyed to Mrs Pusey, was carried amidst loud applause.
April 1906
We have now passed the Equinox and are getting more than twelve hours sun each day. People’s thoughts turn away from fireside subjects to gardens. The Evening School has finished its season’s work, and doubtless, by the time these lines are in print, The Reading Room will also have closed for the summer.
July 1906
EVENING SCHOOL – County Council prizes for regular attendance during the past winter season have been awarded as follows: – For 100 per cent of attendances, W Douglas, E Franklin, A Hayden, 3s 6d each for 90 per cent of attendances , C Alder, P Douglas, G Gibbs, F Godding, H Godding, 2s each.
August 1906
SEXTON – After about forty years’ service Mr William Kerridge has given up the post of Sexton. Acting as the Rector’s deputy, the Curate-in-charge has, with the concurrence of the Churchwardens, appointed Mr James Douglas to be Sexton.
December 1906
The Evening School, was re-opened on October 9, but owing to the difficulty experienced in maintaining the attendance required by the rules, the teacher withdrew on October 25; and as the Managers wer4e unable to secure the services of another teacher, they were compelled, regretfully, to abandon a project which succeeded last winter, and was well calculated to promote the welfare of the village. The Reading Room, – Mrs Pusey having again kindly consented to supply the papers and to give the use of the room free, it was re-opened for the winter on October 15, with a membership of 24. The subscription has been reduced to a penny a week.
St Mary’s, Longworth Parish Magazine 1907
May 1907
Reading Room. – The room was closed for the season on Saturday, March 30th. A hearty vote of thanks was passed for the use of the room, and for the newspapers kindly given by Mrs Bouverie-Pusey. The accounts are as follows: – Received – Members’ subscriptions £2 12s 8d, advanced for members who have not paid 2s 10d, donations 9s; total £2 12s 6d. Paid – Wages £1 4s, 17cwts coal 19s 3d, 6galls oil 4s 6d, faggots 2s 3d, box for subscriptions 2s, sundries 6d; total £2 12s 6d.
September 1907
Prize-giving at the School. – The Annual Prize-giving took place on August 9th, when the School broke up for Midsummer holidays. Two boys, Sidney Dance and Charles Talbot, received the “never absent, never late” award. Charles Talbot also won the diocesan prize for Religious Knowledge, and received a prize for good conduct. The prizes were presented by Mrs F J Taylor.
November 1907
Reading Room. – A meeting was held on Wednesday, October 9th. The Rev F J Taylor announced that Mrs Pusey would again kindly give the papers and lend the cottage. He said that the room could not pay its way unless at least eighteen members joined, and only then if outside help were obtained. Subscriptions towards the cost of a ton of coals may be sent to Mr W Kerridge, who has kindly consented to act as Secretary and Treasurer, and will be gratefully received.
St Mary’s, Longworth Parish Magazine 1908
January 1908
We are losing Mr Taylor early in February. He has been offered and he has accepted the Incumbency of St John’s, Kenilworth. No one has at present been found to fill his place at Charney. We desire the prayers of the congregation that God would be pleased to provide a proper person.
April 1908
God has answered the prayers offered, and provided a Curate for Charney. … We bespeak for the Rev H Binyon a very hearty response from the people of Charney. He will begin his work on Palm Sunday, and will lodge in Longworth. He has been working up till now in Coventry, and is well known to several of the Rector’s friends.
May 1908
Dear People, I thank you for the cordial welcome you have given me. I hope that as we get to know each other better the Church may become the rallying-point of religious life in our village, for the promotion among us of good fellowship in the love of God. In your name, I place on record our gratitude to Mrs Craddock for the gift of the picture which is now placed above the Lord’s Table. Your faithful servant Gilbert Clive Binyon.
June 1908
We are again indebted to the generosity of two parishioners: to Mr Kerridge for a taper-holder and candle-extinguisher, and to Miss Atkinson for the carved hymn-board now hanging in the church.
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine 1909
March 1909
The Christmas Concert, held early in January, was a complete success. On January 28, through the kindness of Mrs Pusey, the school children enjoyed a Tea and Treat, at which each child received a present. The distribution of the Sunday School and other prizes was followed by a dance.
March 1909
A village Committee has been started; its duties will be to arrange such things as concerts and anything connected with the communal life of the village. Its members are Mr Kerridge, Mr Parker, Mr C Whitfield, and Mrs Atkinson, with Mr Binyon as chairman. It is proposed to start a village Library. Part of the proceeds of the lecture on March 9 will be devoted to this purpose.
November 1909
We shall miss the presence among us of so many of our old parishioners, who are leaving us to go into other parishes in consequence of the changes connected with the working of the Small Holding Act. We shall especially miss Mr and Mrs Craddock, who have always been such good friends to Charney. May we remember one another in our prayers.
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine, 1910
January 1910
We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr Richard Rickards, of Lyford, whose coming to Charney to take the Manor Farm, has consequently been postponed. We sincerely hope that before long we may D.V. have better news of his state of health.
The workmen are still very busy with the repair of the houses and cottages in the New Road and other parts of the village. It seems likely that it will be some time before the new comers to Charney will be comfortably settled in their new homes. We hope that the experiment of Small Holding will prove a real success.
The Rev. G. C. Binyon (late Curate) and the Rev. T. H Trott, have kindly contributed toward the Fund that is being generously raised by Mr. and Mrs. Bouverie-Pusey, Sir William and the Misses Anson, Mrs. and Miss Fletcher, Mr. Strauss, M.P. and others, to assist some of the older inhabitants of the village to pay their increased rents.
With the kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Bouverie-Pusey, the Reading Room was re-opened for the winter season, on Monday, December 13, at 6.30 p.m. The Committee elected were Rev. T. H. Trott, Mr. Kerridge, Mr. Parker, Mr. G. Hayden, C. Whitfield (Treasurer), T. Frankin, G. Wheeler, and Albert Belcher. The room is open each evening from 6.30 to 9. The subscription is 1d. per week. We hope that the Reading Room will again prove of good use for the social recreation and enjoyment of the villagers.
April 1910
We are glad to welcome to Charney Mr. and Mrs. Rickards, whose wedding took place on February 23, and we wish them every happiness and prosperity
May 1910
The post of Assistant Teacher at the Schools, rendered vacant by the resignation of Miss Stevenson, has been filled by Miss Collett, from Maidenhead, who commenced her duties on Monday, April 11.
June 1910
A Social Evening took place in the Schoolroom on April 8, to start a Fund in aid of the Charney Cricket Club.
July 1910
On Friday, May 20, a Memorial Service was held in the Church at 1 p.m., when a large congregation gathered together to unite in heart and feeling with so many other congregations throughout our country and empire, in mourning the death of our beloved King Edward, the Peacemaker. The hymns chosen for the Service were, “On the Resurrection Morning,” “Now the Labourer’s task is o’er,” “0 God, our help,” and ” Peace, perfect peace.”
August 1910
On Saturday, June 25, the Sunday School children, to the number of nineteen, were taken by the Rev. T. H. Trott a little outing to Wantage. They were met at the end of their journey by Mr. A. A. Herring, who after kindly giving them some refreshments at the Temperance Hotel, took them round the town to see the principal objects of interest, such as the Parish Church, the Victoria Picture Gallery, King Alfred’s Well and King Alfred’s Bath. At the Church the party mounted to the top of the Tower to get a pretty view of the town and neighbourhood, and the organist, Mr. Southall, kindly played some pieces on the fine large organ and explained to the children a little of the construction of a Church organ. Col. and Miss kindly gave the children a feast of strawberries on their garden lawn, and presented to each a portrait of King George V. The party returned to the Temperance Hotel for tea.
On June 29 the school children were examined in Religious Knowledge by the Rt. Rev. Cathrew Fisher (recently consecrated Bishop of Nyassaland). In his report he remarks that careful and conscientious work had been done, and that the children were well prepared with answers, and, taken as a whole. were distinctly responsive.
The Bishop’s prize was won by Edward Hammond and certificates by Vera Bedwell and Willie Fuller. Those commended were Wilfrid Hammond, Nellie Fuller, Kathleen Kerridge, Elizabeth Hayden, Adrian Belcher, Rosabels Hill, Joseph Roberts, Geo. Woodbridge, Arthur Alder, Annie Hill, Ruby Clapton and Kitty Wild.
On Sunday, June 26, the Kingstone Lisle Brass Band, by permission, accompanied the hymns at Evensong, and afterwards played a selection of sacred music on the Green and made a collection for the Faringdon Hospital.
Burial – On June 29, Thomas Harris, aged 90.
Wedding – On July 2, at 11 a.m., William Hughes Kerridge (widower) and Ann Belcher (spinster): Hymns 350 and 351 and Psalm lxviii were sung at the Service. The bridesmaids were Miss G. Belcher, the Misses Marjorie, Kathleen and Thyra Kerridge. Mr. Hammond was best man. After the wedding breakfast, which took place at noon, the married couple went off to spend their honeymoon at Sunningdale, near Ascot.
Baptisms – On July 3, Ethel May, daughter of Frederick and Emily Wheeler, born .May 17, 1910. On July 10, Dorcas Ethel Susan, daughter of George and Fanny Mary Clark (of Longworth), born June 29, 1910.
The Rev. T. H. Trott would be glad to know if any of the parishioners would like a collecting-box for the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa. It is hoped to have an occasional collection for the Mission.
September 1910
On Thursday, July 28, the School broke up for the summer holidays. After a few words of encouragement to the children from Mrs. Atkinson and Rev. T. H. Trott, the usual distribution of prizes took place. The Bishop’s prize of a Prayer Book, given for the best knowledge of Bible, and Prayer Book subjects was won by Edward Hammond, certificates being given to Vera Bedwell and Willie Fuller. The County Council’s medals for perfect attendance during the year were given to Dorothy Gadwell and Archie Parker, and book prizes were given : (1) for general proficiency to H. Chamberlain, E. Woodbridge, M. Kerridge, V. Bedwell, N. Fuller, C. Franklin, S. Large, S. Fuller, E. Parker; (2) for good conduct to Eva Wheeler, E. Hayden, Owen Fuller, A. Belcher, W. Fuller; (3) for good attendance to D. Bedwell, E. Barrett, K. Kerridge, T. Kerridge, A. Parker, H. Wheeler. G. Woodbridge, Archie Parker, T. Wheeler, G. Belcher, C. Bedwell, P. Gilbert.
October 1910
A number of improvements and repairs have been made at the Schools in accordance with the wishes of the County Council. The Schools were reopened on Tuesday, September 13 after six-weeks’ holiday.
We are pleased to hear that Mr. R. Rickards, of the Manor House, has recovered from his recent illness.
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine 1911
February 1911
A very enjoyable Entertainment was given by the School-children just before their breaking up for the holidays on Wednesday, December 21, at 7 p.m., the main feature of the Entertainment being a musical play, “The Snowman,” preceded and followed by songs and recitations in character.
June 1911
A concert arranged by the Football Club, took place in the Schoolroom on Thursday, April 20. Among the performers were Dr. Woodward. Miss Quinton Mr. Marchant, Nurse Johnson, Miss Bestley and the Longworth Minstrels. The Concert was a successful one. The close of the Football, season was celebrated on May 4 by a match between Charney and Longworth, a tea and a Social Evening.
August 1911
The Coronation Festivities [June 22 1911 King George V] at Charney passed off very nicely. The day’s programme consisted of a cricket match between married and single (victory being with the latter), a procession of children and adults, carrying flags and singing a processional hymn to the Church, where there was a Service at 11 a.m. with special hymns accompanied with harmonium and violin and joined in heartily by a large congregation, athletic sports which took place in a meadow kindly lent by Mr. Clapton and a meat tea for adults and children in a barn kindly lent by Mr, Pinnell. Thanks are due to all those both inside and outside of the parish who so generously subscribed to the Festivities’ Fund, as well as to all the ladies who helped to decorate the barn so nicely and worked so energetically and willingly to make everything go off so successfully. Vivat Rex et Regina.
September 1911
The Coronation festivities were brought to a close on Tuesday, August 1, when the children of the parish, accompanied by a number of the mothers and the members of the Committee, had a long and enjoyable day’s outing to the White Horse Hill. A picnic dinner and tea were partaken of at the foot of the Dragon Hill. The neighbourhood was explored, the Dragon Hill, the White Horse Hill, the Manger, and Weyland Smith’s Cave being visited.
November 1911
Among the wreaths sent to Pusey Church on October 12, on the occasion of Mr. S. E. Bouverie-Pusey’s funeral, was one from Rev. T. H. Trott and one from the teachers and Children of Chamey School.
Pusey Burial: Oct 12. Sidney Edward Bouverie Bouverie-Pusey, aged 72 years.
December 1911
A very kind letter was received by Mrs. Atkinson from Mrs. Pusey, thanking the teachers and school-children for the beautiful wreath sent by them to Mr. Pusey’s funeral.
It is hoped that the School playground will, before long, be re-gravelled and put in a condition more suitable for the children’s recreation than it was in before.
There has been a good attendance of the Choir girls at the practices during the past year on the whole. But the addition of a few men and boys to the choir would very much improve the singing, if any will kindly come forward to help.
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine 1914
July 1914
The school was examined on Wednesday, May 13, in their knowledge of Bible and Prayer Book subjects by the Diocesan Inspector, the Rev. Walter Boldero. Mr. Boldero, in his report, savs:- “I was pleased with the work that is being done throughout this school. It was evident that, the children have been led to take a keen interest, in their Scripture subjects.”
In the. Upper Group, Ethel Furley won the Bishop’s prize (a beautifully bound Prayer Book). Ernest Johnson and Thyran Kerridge gained Certificates; Willie Fuller Arthur Bayliss and Ernest Parker were Commended.
In the Middle Group Harry Embling; Walter Bedwell , Thomas Wheeler, Reggie Clark and Frank Cox were Commended
Among the Infants the commended ones were Freda Cox, Freddie Hayden, Nancy Wild, Archie Clarke and Luriine Ballard
NATIONAL COMPETITION.-Six of the girls in the Upper Group of the School entered in February last year for the National Competition, organised by the Daily Sketch. Conny Bedwell was successful in gaining an illuminated certificate and badge.
October 1914
A Service of Intercession on behalf of our Soldiers and Sailors engaged in the war is held each Wednesday at 7 p.m. The Church bell is tolled a few times each day at noon as a call to private prayer on the same behalf. We should remember in our prayers the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa, whose work is carried on chiefly in German territory. The sum of 7s 8d was collected in Church on Sunday, August 16, towards the Prince of Wales’ National Defence Fund.
Lady Hyde has kindly taken some “Quiet Afternoons” with the Charney mothers, and supplied them with material for making clothing for the soldiers and sailors.
December 1914
May Christmas be a happy one to all. It cannot be a very merry one this year, when we shall be thinking of our soldiers spending Christmas Day, it may be, in the trenches.
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine, 1915
January 1915
The School girls have worked a number of socks, mittens, cuffs and scarves for the benefit of the sailors on board H.M.S. Antrim which is in the North Sea. The School children have also subscribed the sum of 10s towards the Belgian Relief Fund.
A very interesting and instructive Lecture on the War, illustrated with lantern pictures, was given in the Schoolroom on Thursday, December 10, at 8 p.m., by Capt. F. C. Loder Symonds. The pictures were shown by Dr. Woodward. There was a large audience. The lecturer made an earnest appeal to Charney young men to come forward and join Lord Kitchener’s Army. The Lecture was kindly arranged for by Lady Hyde. The proceeds amounted to nearly ^3, which are to be given to the Prince of Wales’ Relief Fund.
The Sunday School children were entertained at tea – the younger ones on December .8, the elder ones on the 17th, at Mrs. Pinnell’s. The tea was followed by amusements.
The first Sunday of the New Year (Jan. 3) will be kept as a special Day of Intercession for the War. The collections during the day will be given to the Red Cross Society’s Fund.
Let us pray that the coming year, which at its opening finds nearly all Europe engaged in a most terrible strife, may at its close find them under God’s blessing in unity, peace and concord. May all our readers have a ” Happy New Year.”
March 1915
The elder ones of the Sunday School children were invited to Tea at Mrs. Pinnell’s on December 17, where they were entertained by Rev. T. H. Trott, Mrs. Atkinson, and Mrs. Roger. After tea they spent a pleasant evening with music and parlour games. The younger ones had had a similar treat the week before.
The Church on Christmas Day was nicely decorated with holly and other evergreen kindly given by the Misses Anson, of Pusey House. The collections, amounting to 9s. 8d., were given to the Waifs and Strays Society.
The collections on the Sundays, January 3 (Intercession Day) and 10th, including the contents of a collecting box, amounted to 15s. 2d., and were given to the British Red Cross Society, for the benefit of the wounded soldiers now in hospital at Faringdon.
On Friday, January 22, through the kindness of Lady Hyde, the Charney School children were entertained to Tea by Mrs. Atkinson and the other School Teachers. A very pleasant evening was spent with music and games.
Last year for the first time the elder boys and girls of the School entered for the “Bird and Tree Essay Competition,” the prizes for which are given by the “Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.” The judges sent a very good report on the papers sent in. Medals were awarded to William Fuller and Kitty Wild, and books to six others of the team.
April 1915
A successful Concert was given in Charney Schoolroom on Friday, March 12 at 7 30 p m. The proceeds, amounting to nearly £2 10s. (after the hire of piano and the use of the room have been paid for), will be devoted to defraying the expense of the piping recently put to the Church Fire Stove and to making up the balance of the account for piano hire at the beginning of last, year. Our thanks are due to all those performers and helpers who so kindly contributed to make the Concert such a success.
A course of three Lectures on Agriculture is being given in the Schoolroom by Mr. Bedford, of University College, Reading, on the last three Thursdays in March.
James Douglas (Territorial Reserves), Albert, John Haines (Territorial Reserves) and William Sergeant (Army Service Corps) are among those who have recently joined the Army. Our prayers and good wishes go with them.
On Easter Day there will be Celebrations of Holy Communion at 8.30 am and after the Morning Service.
May 1915
The proceeds of the Concert which took place on March 12, amounting to £31s (more than was announced last month), will be utilized as follows :- Piping to the Church fire stove, £1 2s. 6d.; repair of coal shed, 9s. 6d.; hire of piano 10s; towards hire of piano (1914), 6s; use of Schoolroom 5s; towards Sunday School Treat (in December), 8s.
William C. Whitfield has joined the Territorial Reserves;. Ernest G. Franklin has been invalided home. We shall remember them both in our intercessions.
The collections on Easter Day for Church Expenses amounted to 8.s. 51/2d.
On April 14 an interesting meeting was held at, the Schools at 7.30 p.m. to consider the desirability of forming a, Charney Company of Boy Scouts. After a few words from the chairman (Rev. T. H. Trott), the meeting was addressed by Lady Hyde and F. W. Weiler-Poley, Esq., who clearly and interestingly explained the object of the meeting and gave good and useful advice to those who wished to form themselves into such a company. The chairman proposed a vote of thanks to the speakers who had so kindly come to address the meeting and taken such an interest in the matter.
On Ascension Day there will be Evensong at 7. On Whitsun Day there will be Celebrations of Holy Communion at 8.30 a.m. and 11 a.m. The Collections on Whitsun Day will be given to the Diocesan Fund.
June 1915
The first drill of the Charney and Lyford Boy Scouts’ Company took place on May 11 in the Charney School play ground. The Boy Scouts at present number thirteen. They made a, very good beginning.
May 16 was Charney Hospital Sunday. The Kingston Lisle Brass Band played the hymns at Evensong in the Church, and afterwards played a selection of sacred music oh the Green, making a. collection for the Wantage Cottage Hospital. The Collection in Church was divided between Church Expenses and the Hospital Fund.
The County Council has awarded Medals to Conny Bedwel,. Ena Parker and Willie Edwards for one year’s regular attendance at School. It has added a Bar to Doris Parker’s Medal for her second year’s regular attendance, and a Clasp to Phyllis Gilbert’s Medal and Bar for her third year’s regular attendance.
The School children have collected among themselves 6s. towards the Y.M.C.A.’s Hut Fund.
July 1915
From the Longworth section: The Jumble Sale …. proceeds to date are £6 3s 3d; of this 6s 4d will go to Foreign Missions and the rest towards the repairs of the roof of Charney Church.
The School children were examined in their knowledge of Bible and Prayer Book subjects on May 19, by the Rev. Walter Boldero (Diocesan Inspector). In his Report he says that: “There were marks of good painstaking work by the teachers in each group, and the general standard of the school as a whole was better than last year.” The Bishop’s Prize of a handsomely bound Prayer Book was awarded to Kitty Wild. Certificate Cards were given to Annie Prior (Upper Group), Reginald Clark (Middle). Nancy Wild (Lower). Commended were Thyra Kerridge, Frank Bayliss, Miriam Reade (Upper); Archie Clark, Walter Bedwell (Middle);Rose Wooloff, Edna Joy. Leonard Clinch (Lower).
Collections were made in Church on Whit Sunday for the Oxford Diocesan Fund. amounting to 7s. 6d.
The Choir children who made the greatest number of attendances at Choir , practice during the past year were entertained at Tea by the Rev. T. H. Trott at Mrs Pinnall’s on May 26. The evening was pleasantly spent with music and, parlour games.
October 1915
There is a Service of Intercession and Prayer on behalf of our Soldiers and Sailors each Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. Seven of the Charney soldiers are in the Expeditionary Force, of whom four are in the fighting line, one in the Veterinary Corps, one in the Army Service Corps, and one has been invalided home wounded. Of the others, one is in the Canadian Army for Home Defence, and the rest are in England in training. May we all remember them in our prayers.
The prizes and certificates given by the Bishop of the Diocese for the best knowledge of Bible and Prayer Book subjects, as well as the prizes given by the County Council for general proficiency and good attendance, were distributed at the School on July 30 the day of the breaking up for the holidays.
The Harvest Festival, which was begun on September 30, will be continued on Sunday, October 3. There will be Celebrations of Holy Communion at 8.30 a.m. and after the Morning Service, Morning Service at 11, and Evensong at 6. The Collections during the Festival will be divided between Wantage Cottage Hospital and Church Expenses.
December 1915
Lady Hyde’s “Quiet Afternoons” with the mothers were resumed on October 21. at Mrs. Pinnell’s. They are very much appreciated, although at present for various reasons the attendances have not been able to be as large this season as last.
The “Bouverie-Pusey School” – Medals, clasps and bars from the Education Committee have been gained by the following children : Phyllis Gilbert and Doris Parker, 3rd year’s perfect attendance, clasp and bars : Constance Bedwell. Ena Parker and William Edwards. 1st year’s perfect attendance, medal.
“Bird and Tree Competition” – The children again entered for this competition and were successful in getting “highly” commended, a step higher than last year. The silver medals have been won by Hilda, Wheeler and Constance Bedwell. Book prizes will be awarded to nine others of the team.
Burial. -William Hughes Kerridge, who had been Churchwarden for some years, passed away on Saturday, October 23, aged 49. He was very much respected by all who knew him. He was laid to rest in the Churchyard on the following Monday at 3.30 p.m., a large number of relatives and friends being present, to pay their last tribute of respect to his memory. A number of the School children formed a choir to sing two of his most, favourite hymns, “0 Saviour, blessed Saviour” and “When I survey the wondrous Cross.”A number of beautiful wreaths of white lilies and other flowers were laid on his grave. We sincerely sympathize with the widow and children in the loss of a beloved father and husband.
St Mary’s, Longworth, Parish Magazine, 1916
January 1916
A very successful Concert was given in The Schoolroom on Wednesday, November 24 at 7.30 p.m., in aid of the Charney and Lyford Boy Scouts’ Fund. There was a large audience who showed their hearty appreciation of the excellent programme arranged for the evening’s entertainment. The proceeds amounted to £4 2s, from which 7s. 6d will have to be deducted for expenses.
We are sorry to have to think that Private Frederick Franklin, Royal Berks; lost his life. at the Front some weeks ago although the War Office at present has only notified that he is missing. We feel much sympathy for the mother in her long anxiety about her son, but can only think that he is “one of those who have so bravely and nobly laid down their lives for King and Country. Fred Franklin was the first Charney man to join Lord Kitchener’s New Army.
New Vestry Curtains have kindly been presented to the Church by Lady Hyde of Longworth House.
On Christmas Day and the Sunday following the Services were taken and the Sermons preached by the Rev. Harold Thomas, Curate-in-charge of Longworth. There were Celebrations of Holy Communion on Christmas Day at 8.30 a.m., and also after the Morning Service. Evensong on Christmas Day was at 3 p.m., when an anthem” We have seen His Star in the East” and some carols were sung. The music was heartily joined in by the congregation. The Church was decorated with holly and other evergreen kindly sent from Kingston House. The Sermon on the Sunday morning was preached from the text St. Luke ii. 8, and in the evening from St. Luke ii. 3. The collections during the festival, amounting to 12s 11d., were given to the “Waifs and Strays.”
Percy Douglas was to set sail for Western Australia on Saturday, November 18. May he have a safe voyage out and may prosperity and success attend him in his fresh start in life.