David Sibbert, a founder member and driving force behind the Charney History and Archaeology Group and also very much involved with CHAFT, was a lifelong Rochdale supporter. A supporters’ lapel badge, which was present at his funeral, is buried on Charney football pitch. He would be very amused to see what archaeologists think of it when they find it in future years and wonder why a small bit of Rochdale is in CHAFT territory!
CHARNEY FC played in the North Berkshire Football League from 1919/21
Football and Sports Meeting August 1919
CHARNEY Football and Sports Meeting.- On Saturday last the Charney Football Club opened their season with a match against Hanney, followed by sports. A committee had been formed consisting of Mr F. Belcher, chairman; Messrs. W. C. Whitfield and W. Neighbour, joint hon. secs.; Mr H. Rutland, hon. treas.; Mr A. Hodgkins, captain ; Mr E Franklin, vice captain ; Messrs. A. Green, S Head, W. Miles, A. Belcher, C. Jefferies, D. Hutt, and H. Hutt, with several gentlemen who voluntarily helped to make things a success on Saturday. Quite a sensation was caused round the local villages, when a brake, decorated by several ladies, was seen approaching, loaded with gentlemen wearing fancy costumes, with the one idea of advertising the sports, Messrs. W. Neighbour as “Granny,” Mr A. Hodgkins as “Pierrot” F. Belcher “Sports Promoter,” W. Miles as “Kaffir,” S. Head as a “Darktown Copper,” C. Jefferies as “Farmer Giles,” H. Hutt as “Pierrot,” W. C. Whitfield as “Pirate,” and D. Hutt and W. Wakeman as “Huntsmen,” all worked hard. There is not the slightest doubt that these gentlemen had a great hand in the success of the event. At three o’clock a large number of competitors for the fancy dress prizes were met by the Band at the Brook Bridge, and marched through the village to the green. About 400 people were in the field to see a football match, which proved rather one-sided, Hanney defeating Charney by 7-0. The sports followed, the entries for which were small owing, no doubt, to the presence of Mr Woods, who won the majority of the prizes. Everyone seemed to want a pig judging from the number that bowled for one, Mr Jefferies and Mr Belcher being kept very busy. The children were not forgotten, Mrs Jefferies taking them for rides round tbe meadow in her decorated tub. The refreshment tent was a great treat to the hungry and thirsty gathering, the ladies and gentlemen working hard all the afternoon. The Kingstone Lisle Band was in attendance and played various selections. The secretaries; committee, ard other voluntary helpers are to be congratulated on making the afternoon such a success. The prize-winners were:-Bowling for a pig. R. Haines; weight guessing for a rabbit, Mr D. Hutt; tug of war, Uffington’s side; one mile, 1 Mr Baker, 2 Mr A. Green ; half-mile, 1 Mr J. Woods, 2 Mr A. Green; quarter-mile, 1 Mr J. Woods, 2 Mr W. Hammond; 100 yards, 1 Mr J. Woods, 2 Mr A. Green ; fancy dress, 1 Mr W. Miles, 2 Mr W. Kerridge, 3 Miss M. Hutt.
CHARNEY YOUTH CLUB played five a side football matches against local villages on the old school field between 1986-1992.
A local firm, Formula Trading, owned by Brian Barrett of the Chequers Inn sponsored team shirts. As the popularity of the Youth Club grew, preliminary enquiries were made about entering a team in the Oxford League. However, this would have required additional voluntary help and the hire of a larger pitch. It was decided not to proceed with the initiative.
CHARNEY Rangers F.C. U-12’s was formed and affiliated to the Berks & Bucks FA and accepted into the Oxford Mail Boys League during June 2009.
The club obtained the permission of the Parish Council to play on the recently acquired Charney field at the top of the Bridle Path. It had a committed management and coaching team and a proactive and supportive parent base. Local volunteers helped to improve the playing area and a successful open day event was held on 16th August 2009.
Charney Rangers team colours of Royal Blue and White were in keeping with tradition as it is understood they had been the colours of long since closed school.
The team members came from Charney Bassett, Grove, Abingdon and Faringdon and played friendly matches and tournaments in preparation for entry into the league in season 2009/2010.
More information here https://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/charneyrangersfc/117472/Home
The club folded circa 2012 as the players grew older or moved from the area. Had they continued a larger pitch and improved facilities would have been required.
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