An Archaeological Dig took place over the weekend of 15th & 16th October 2022. with three test pits in a field and one in the grounds of Bear Cottage. A resistivity survey of the field was also carried out.
The finds were cleaned, identified and recorded in December 2022.
The finds included pottery, metal items such as nails, a Royal Naval button, a spinning whorl, a (modern) lead/pewter roman gladiator, pottery, glass, animal bones and Mesolithic worked flints.
Reports have been produced by David Ashby and are available as PDFs these give us a great additional insight into the history and life in the village:
Field – CB TP 10 Summary of Primary Findings
Cottage – CB TP 11 Summary of Primary Findings
Field – CB TP 12 Summary of Primary Findings
Field – CB TP 13 Summary of Primary Findings
The Dig recording documents and drawings are held by the Archaeology Group.
The evidence from the three field test pits suggest the presence of people during the Mesolithic period within this area of the Charney Bassett, with any related features most likely removed by ploughing during the post medieval to modern, and possibly earlier, periods.
Great big thanks go to: Dr David Ashby, University of Winchester for supervising an d guiding us so professionally both before and throughout the weekend. And of course to all the diggers, recorders and visitors and to Lucy and Paul Gildersleeves and Steve and Cassandra Higham as land owners for letting us dig on their land – without which the dig could not have happened.
Some photos from the dig below [click to enlarge and scroll].
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